Carpet Maintenance RFP


Richland Library is seeking a qualified vendor to provide carpet maintenance services at 12 locations system wide.

The Request for Proposal may be obtained from the Finance Office, 1431 Assembly St. Columbia, SC 29201 from 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday, by emailing or by selecting the PDF document shown above.

Sealed proposals must be received on or before 12:00 noon on July 17, 2019. Proposals received after the stated time will not be accepted. Proposals must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Library Carpet Maintenance”. Proposals can also be emailed in a PDF attachment to the above email box.

The Richland Library is an affirmative action and equal opportunity agency.

Legal Information

This solicitation does not commit the Richland Library to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of proposals, or to procure or contract for the services solicited. The Library has the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any minor irregularities, to cancel in part or whole this solicitation, if it is deemed in the best interest of the Library, and to award a contract that will be most advantageous for the Library.

The Richland Library is an affirmative action and equal opportunity agency.