Staff Picks

Women Making History for Tweens & Teens

From Vice President Kamala Harris to Michaela Goade, the first BIPOC woman to win a Caldecott medal, these are just a few of the women making history in 2021. Let's be clear. Women have always made history. Sadly, they have been overshadowed, overlooked or just plain erased from many history books. But no more.
Staff Picks

Booklist: Exploration for fun

Exploration Generation Do you want to explore history and geography, whenever you want? Then welcome to a new way of thinking of generations. Ask your local librarian for even more suggestions!
Staff Picks

Inspired to Grow Your Relationships?!

We have just the books to help you develop those relationships that matter to you. We've got you covered whether it's with a significant other, yourself, friends and/or family.
Richland Library North Main

#OwnVoices: The Women of Brewster Place - A Review

Weaving together the truths and the myths of their lives, Gloria Naylor creates a powerful, moving portrait of the strengths, struggles, and hopes of black women in today's America. - Penguin Publishing
Richland Library Main

Learning About Investing

Learn the basics, develop a personal plan and avoid the pitfalls of trying to get your money to work for you.
Richland Library Main

2021 Career Makeover Tips!

A results oriented (and dare I say, fun) approach to addressing four key career development areas.
Staff Picks

283,755 Books and Counting

With 283,755 English-language books published to date on World War II, you might think the subject, great and multifaceted as it is, had been thoroughly mined and exhausted by now. Instead, the war, a perennial favorite topic for nonfiction fans, continues to receive fresh treatment at the hands of historians with new insights gleaned from access to previously unexamined primary sources and archival material.
Staff Picks

#OwnVoices: Native American Authors

Looking for a new great read? Try a book by a Native American author. Some of their works will shed light on activism, culture, and history while others expose the challenges of living on reservations or establishing an identity in the modern world.
Staff Picks

Light Novels: Like Anime and Manga, But Books

Light novels tend to make for light reading - quick, fun page-turners that are easily adapted into and from manga and anime. We have a growing collection of light novels in print and online, listed below.
Richland Library Main

Who is Wonder Woman?

Magic lassos, invisible planes, and twirling transformations do not a wonder woman make.
Richland Library Main

Most Popular Historic Images in December 2020

With over 7,000 images in the Local History Digital Collections it can be hard to find those hidden gems. Take a look at what your neighbors found interesting in December, 2020.
Staff Picks

It's All About the Bridgertons, Baby

Let's face it, we all loved Bridgerton on Netflix, based on Julia Quinn's book series of the same name. Maybe you loved it because of the regency romance, or maybe it was the costumes, the fake relationship, or the witty banter. Whatever it was, we've got some historical romance novels to fill the void that the brief series left.
Staff Picks

7 Books Based on Podcasts You Love

Love these podcasts, but desperate for more content? You and me both! Check out these titles to support your favorite podcasts.
Staff Picks

Books Inspired by Jane Austen

It has been over 200 years since Jane Austen's first novel, Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811, and though her works were all published anonymously, her name is now known all around the world. Her works have been translated into over 40 languages and have been republished and retold countless times. Many film and tv adaptations have also been produced (although no one can beat Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy). These are just a few of the amazing works inspired by Jane Austen.
Staff Picks

LibraryReads for January 2021

Each month, LibraryReads lists the top upcoming titles recommended by librarians across the country. All these books will be published in January 2021, so stay ahead of the curve and get on the holds list now!
Richland Library Main

Get Your News with U.S. Newsstream

If you have grown weary of paywalls impeding your access to reliable news (or of “free” subscriptions that offer only limited access, at the cost of surrendering some personal information), consider using U.S. Newsstream to essentially bypass paywalls and find the latest on US politics, COVID-19 vaccines, and world news.
Richland Library Main

Take a Reading Challenge

Break out of your reading comfort zone with these book-focused challenges for the new year.
Staff Picks

Fans of THE EXPANSE Series Should Try These

Are you a huge fan of Amazon Prime's hit SYFY series, The Expanse?! The show is based off of 9 novels plus 7 short stories and novellas written by James S A Corey (a joint pen name for the authors Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham).
Staff Picks

YA Reads: 1st in a Series

A new year is upon us, which means it's time to stock up on some more books. How about stocking up on a new series? Listed below are the 1st books in a YA series. Beware! Some of the series are not completed yet, and others are on their way to becoming a tv series and/or feature film. Enjoy!
Staff Picks

Books similar to "The Queen's Gambit"

So, you enjoyed the Netflix show The Queen's Gambit, and now you're ready to conquer the world of chess! Okay, maybe not. Maybe you're just looking to be captivated and entertained by something chess-themed. Here are a few selections to get you started. Happy reading!
Richland Library Main

New Year, New Reads

Expand on your reading list with the 2021 Broader Bookshelf Reading Challenge.
Richland Library Main

#OWNVOICES: Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory

Vivian couldn’t decide what appealed to her more, hot coffee and fresh scones, or that man in the corner who looked like a tall mug of hot chocolate. ☕📚 Why choose?
Staff Picks

Food Writing (and Watching)

These passionate works are not just about the foods, but the science behind them as well as the lives of the people who create, consume, and make their living through it.

U.S. Newsstream

US Newsstream provides access to news resources from around the nation including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and The Los Angeles Time

Staff Picks

Remembering John le Carré

British writer John le Carré, who died on 12 December, leaves behind a legacy of some of the most highly regarded spy novels of the Cold War era and beyond. Born David Cornwell in 1931, le Carré worked for the British domestic and foreign intelligence agencies (MI5 and MI6) in the 1950s before turning full-time to writing after the international success of his third novel, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, published in 1963.
Staff Picks

New Manga Series of 2020

Here are series that launched or received new editions in 2020, expanding manga shelves for readers to escape into a number of genres.
Richland Library Main

The Five Stages of Batman Fandom

No fan ever reads through the same franchise twice, for it's not the same franchise and they're not the same fan.
Richland Library Main

Great BIPOC Graphic Novels

BIPOC, an acronym representing People Of Color with an emphasis on Black and Indigenous people, is a category of special significance in American culture.
Staff Picks

Goodreads Choice Awards: Best Books of 2020

The 12th Annual Goodreads Choice Awards, the only major book awards decided by readers, posted the winners December 8, 2020--after three rounds of voting that started late October 2020. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig won overall best book of the year. Listed below are the winners for all 20 categories ranging from Fiction, Humor, Memoir & Autobiography, Food & Cookbooks, Graphic Novels, Debut Novels, Picture Books and many more.
Staff Picks

Oprah Magazine Best Books of 2020

"Books are both solace and inspiration. They light the way, even while enabling temporary escape from life's worries...we wanted to share the best books 2020 had to offer." - Oprah magazine
Staff Picks

Amazon Editors' Top 20 Best Books of 2020

Every year Amazon's Editors select 100 titles they deemed as the best books to represent that year. Titles vary from literature and fiction, mystery, thriller, and suspense, romance, cooking, food, and wine, children's books, and many many more.
Richland Library Main

Most Popular Historic Images in November 2020

With over 7,000 images in the Local History Digital Collections it can be hard to find those hidden gems. Take a look at what your neighbors found interesting in November, 2020.
Staff Picks

35 Best Psychological Thrillers of 2020

If you enjoy novels of psychological suspense and are looking for new books to read in this genre, here are 35 titles for you. Gone Girl was a bestselling novel which catapulted this genre to new heights of popularity and made way for many more books which have some permutation and combination of suspense, mystery, terror and complex characters who may or may not be mentally stable. Here is a collection of the best thriller novels published in 2020.

Dating from the late 1600s into the 2010s, Library Edition contains full and partial runs of regional, state, and local titles from the United States and other countries. 

Staff Picks

Sandhills Staff Picks of 2020

December is one of my favorite months because it is the time of year when everyone puts out their "Best of" lists. Here are the top picks curated by staff at the Sandhills location.
Staff Picks

LibraryReads for December 2020

Each month, LibraryReads lists the top upcoming titles recommended by librarians across the country. All these books will be published in December 2020, so stay ahead of the curve and get on the holds list now!
Staff Picks

Time Travel

If you could travel to any point in time, what would it be? Would you go back in time...or forward? While time travel is not yet a reality, we can experience it vicariously through the lives of different fictional characters. Choose your time machine carefully though because you never know where you might end up.
Richland Library Main

Dishes to Make Date Night Sizzle 🔥

Local Chef David Grillo (Cantina 76) and his wife Cheryl serve up dishes to make date night sizzle at home. Kick off your evening with a traditional Sangria followed by the main course—Arroz Con Pollo.
Staff Picks

2020 Booker Prize

The Booker Prize is the biggest British literary award, given to the best original novel written in English and published in the UK or Ireland. This year’s winner is Shuggie Bain, Douglas Stuart’s autobiographical debut novel, about a young boy growing up poor in Glasgow with his dysfunctional, alcoholic mother. Check out this prize-winning novel, as well as any of the other Booker Prize finalists, from Richland Library’s collection.
Staff Picks

An Arbor Day Celebration

Arbor Day (the first Friday in December) is the beginning of tree planting season in South Carolina. Celebrate safely by finding moments to walk among the trees and appreciate their quiet majesty. Reading can also deepen our knowledge of even every day subjects. This curated selection of books offers titles for everyone - stories about the importance of trees, the science and even hands-on activities.
Staff Picks

2020 National Book Awards

The winners of the 2020 National Book Awards have just been announced:
Staff Picks

Jill Biden's Reading List

Dr. Jill Biden, former Second Lady of the United States and soon to be First Lady, is also an accomplished English professor and champion of community colleges. In her memoir, Where The Light Enters, she quotes a bunch of authors across a spectrum of genres. Here is a reading list made up of the works she cites.
Staff Picks

15 Must-Read Diverse Romance Novels

Love comes in all colors. Do browse this list of excellent Romance novels with beautiful storylines, witty conversations and interesting plot twists.These love stories represent the diversity in the real world. If you have not heard of these diverse Romance authors yet, do read their books as they are very talented writers.
Richland Library Main

Becoming a Poll Manager

The 2020 election was one for the books with the record breaking poll numbers and poll worker shortages due to COVID-19. But with a little training, I was able to not only use my voice by voting, but also to help others participate in the power of using theirs by becoming a poll manager.
Staff Picks


Friendships near and far Connecting with friends and family, we are able to listen to each other's experiences. Let these items show us that we are not alone in how it feels to be human. Looking for more? Check out our personalized recommendations here or call us at 799-9084.
Richland Library Main

Let's Talk Race: A Culinary Conversation

"The man and the woman who became enslaved enslaved the palate of those who enslaved them. From feijoada, to jambalaya, we flipped it on ’em. And we keep flipping it on ’em." --Michael Twitty
Staff Picks

LibraryReads for November 2020

Each month, LibraryReads lists the top upcoming titles recommended by librarians across the country. All these books will be published in November 2020, so stay ahead of the curve and get on the holds list now!