Richland Library Main

How to Occupy the Kids while Traveling

Whether you are driving, flying or taking the train, we have a number of free resources available with a Richland Library card.
Staff Picks

Great Books for Toddlers

When your little one starts walking, all bets are off! He's ready to explore and move; sitting still is not his forte. Here are a few books that are sure to catch his attention and grow his love of reading with you. Reading at least three books each day will prepare your child to be ready to learn to read when the time comes, will instill a love of books, and will give you precious, memorable moments of bonding. Be sure to ask your local librarian for even more suggestions! You can check out 60 books with your library card.
Staff Picks

Books for Very Beginning Readers

Do you have a budding reader? This list is for new readers who are just starting to grasp the concept of matching letters to sounds. Make reading a fun part of everyday life and you will see your child's skills flourish. Your local librarian can give you even more recommendations, and you can check out up to 60 books with your library card!
Richland Library Main

Most Checked-Out Children's Books (2018)

Richland Library is recapping what caught the attention of our customers in 2018. It's your access to the most checked-out items over the last year.
Staff Picks

Great Books for Babies

Your baby is born with 1 billion unconnected brain neurons. Much of his brain development and those developing connections depend on the sensory experiences he has in his early years, and the language he hears. The best way to help develop his brain, his understanding of language, and an appreciation for high quality art is to introduce him to books as soon as he is born. The best news? You can check out 60 books with your Richland Library card!
Staff Picks

Check It Out!: Black Girl Magic

Celebrate the magic and beauty of black girls by reading these awesome, contemporary stories of friendship, families and love. Want more great books? Your Richland Library staff is always happy to help—from volunteer opportunities, book clubs or more books in that series she loves, we’re here to help you and your family.