Richland Library Main

OFF BOOK: Crush Rush

Arts Librarian Ashley Warthen goes off book with photojournalist, Crush Rush to kick off his library residency.
Staff Picks

Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg

From The Notorious RBG to I Dissent, explore the life and work of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with these books and movies that span all age ranges.
Staff Picks

Food to Fall For

Does the chill in the air make you crave hardier fare? Then check out one of these delectable delights!
Staff Picks


Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Friday, Sept.
Staff Picks

2020 National Book Awards: The Long Lists

The long lists for the 2020 National Book Awards have just been announced. The winners will be announced on November 18. Check out the following titles from our collection in the award categories of fiction, nonfiction, literature in translation, young people's literature, and poetry.
Richland Library Main

Latinos/as, Hispanics, LatinX in the Census

The first Latinos in the United States of America settled in Florida in 1565 but the U.S. Census did not recognize this population until 1980--leaving their identity in limbo.
Richland Library Main

#OwnVoices: Rabbit: The Autobiography of Ms. Pat

This autobiography lets us know that we do not have to remain in our circumstance. If we want better, we can work to achieve better. It is OK to get help from others along the way.
Richland Library Main

All About Reading

Many of us have started homeschooling for the first time this year, whether it’s a virtual option through our school districts or we’ve decided to take on the role of classroom teacher ourselves. Richland Library’s Education Studio has reading curriculum to help guide you through your new position as homeschool teacher or reading tutor
Richland Library Main

Voting in Columbia, a historical perspective

The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy, granting the right to have a voice in our society. For anyone deprived of these rights, the struggle to secure them has been worth the fight. Explore some historic touchpoints that converge around the evolution of the right to vote in Columbia.
Staff Picks

31 Outstanding Fiction Books by Indian Authors

Mark Twain has said, "India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most artistic materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!" Apart from travel,the next best way to learn about a country and its people is through its books. India has several accomplished and award winning authors who have weaved magical works of fiction.
Staff Picks

2020 Kirkus Prize Finalists

The finalists for this year's Kirkus Prize have just been announced. The prize, which was created in 2014, goes to books in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, and young readers' literature. The winners in the three categories will be announced on November 5. Check out the finalists listed below from our collection.
Staff Picks

Indian Art

Explore the world of Indian art and its vast history, interpretations, and celebration of culture.
Richland Library Main

The Census Through The Centuries

Because of the “72 year rule,” the 2020 Census will not be available for genealogists until 2092. When it is released, will your descendants be able to find you in the 2020 Census?
Staff Picks

Reading Curriculum: All About Reading

Looking an easy to follow reading curriculum? All About Reading is a one-stop shop for quality reading materials. Find all of these titles and more in Richland Library's Education Studio. Questions? We are here to help. Contact the Richland Library Education Studio and we'll help you find the best materials to suit your needs.
Staff Picks

The Power of the Vote

Voting is a fundamental right for every adult citizen in a democracy. This right has not always been guaranteed or given to every citizen. Discover the history and the people who fought and continue to fight for the power of the vote. Looking for even more good books? Check out our personalized recommendations or call us at 803-799-9084.
Richland Library Main

The Power of the Vote

Voting is a fundamental right for every adult citizen in a democracy. Richland Library's staff is working to make sure that every resident has the information and resources they need to successfully engage in the political process, ensuring their voice is heard.
Richland Library Main

The Virtual Job Interview

Job interviews conducted via videoconferencing programs such as Zoom and Skype were already in wide use before the coronavirus pandemic, but for understandable reasons they are now more popular than ever. Just as for an in-person interview, you should carefully prepare beforehand, but there are other considerations specific to virtual interviewing that you will need to keep in mind.
Staff Picks

Author Spotlight: Mariko Tamaki

Mariko Tamaki was born in Toronto, Ontario. Her writing often deals with the inner turmoil of teenagers, especially in titles such as Skim and This One Summer, both illustrated by her cousin Jillian Tamaki, as well as Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me, illustrated by Rosemary Valer-O’Connell. Tamaki’s protagonists are marked by her talent for writing authentic flaws and personal conflict.
Richland Library Main

iRead: Mariko Tamaki

Mariko Tamaki was born in Toronto, Ontario. Her writing often deals with the inner turmoil of teenagers, especially in titles such as Skim and This One Summer, both illustrated by her cousin Jillian Tamaki, as well as Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me, illustrated by Rosemary Valer-O’Connell. Tamaki’s protagonists are marked by her talent for writing authentic flaws and personal conflict.
Staff Picks

2020 International Dublin Literary Award: The Short List

The short list for this year's International Dublin Literary Award has just been announced. Established in 1994, this is one of the largest literary prizes around, at €100,000, and is awarded to a novel written or translated into English. The winner will be announced on October 22. In the meantime, check out the ten short list titles from our collection. (Seven of the ten have already won other major literary prizes.)
Staff Picks

Space Opera

Craving dramatic, large-scale science fiction adventure and characters you won't soon forget? Travel the stars with these Space Opera titles and discover your new out of this world read. Looking for more great titles? Find your new favorite title using our Personalized Reading Recommendations.
Richland Library North Main

Stand Up and Be Counted! : Four Facts for Census 2020

Census 2020 ends on September 30 and it isn’t too late for you to take part! Read on to find out how you can participate and learn a few facts to help understand why a complete count is so important.
Staff Picks

Labor and Its Discontents

The world of work was being upended even before the coronavirus pandemic drove the US unemployment rate to record highs. The “gig economy,” robotics, and offshoring, to name but a few factors, have reshaped traditional employment in ways that are not yet fully understood. As we observe Labor Day, this is a good time to take a look at how we got here and what may be in store for us in the labor market. The books listed below offer a range of views on the subject, from critiques of Silicon Valley’s role in degrading work life to constructive advice on finding mea
Richland Library Main

Most Popular Historic Images in August 2020

With over 7,000 images in the Local History Digital Collections it can be hard to find those hidden gems. Take a look at what your neighbors found interesting in August, 2020.
Richland Library Edgewood

#OwnVoices: Crown

Derrick Barnes captures one of the most pivotal moments of a black boy’s life: his first haircut.
Staff Picks

After Lovecraft

Check out this list of books that engage with Lovecraftian cosmic horror ideas and with Lovecraft's xenophobia and bigotry.
Richland Library Main

How to Vote Absentee in the General Election

While voters in South Carolina could place their vote via absentee ballot in the primary in June, simply due to the presence of the virus, this is not the case for the general election in November. Voters have to meet certain criteria and there are guidelines for who can vote absentee and how.
Staff Picks

2020 International Booker Prize

The International Booker Prize was created in 2004 to recognize fictional works that weren't eligible for the regular Booker Prize (awarded to authors hailing from anywhere in the British Commonwealth). This year's winner is Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld for her debut novel, The Discomfort of Evening, about a young girl from a farming family who blames herself when tragedy befalls them.
Richland Library Main

The Power of Protest

Injustice calls for action. If you are ready to take a stand, Richland Library is here connect you with resources and knowledge.
Richland Library Main

#OwnVoices: Children of Blood and Bone

Seventeen-year-old Zélie, her older brother Tzain, and rogue princess Amari fight to restore magic to the land and activate a new generation of magi, but they are ruthlessly pursued by the crown prince, who believes the return of magic will mean the end of the monarchy.
Staff Picks

The Power of Protest

Black protest has power. The power to change minds, laws, even nations. Black protest shapes history and leaders. Learn more about the triumphs and the struggles of black protest and activism by checking out these titles today. Looking for even more good books? Check out our personalized recommendations or call us at 803-799-9084.
Staff Picks

Thought Leaders to Read

Thought leaders are the go-to people that we turn to to get inspiration for a movement; their ideas and actions are influential and substantial.Here are a few folx who are leading the charge of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Give their books a read, follow them on social media and then feel free to share key takeaways, interesting articles, or your personal experiences on our Let's Talk Race padlet.
Richland Library North Main

#OwnVoices: The Vanishing Half - A Review

The Vanishing Half is a bittersweet look into the lives of twin sisters and how they deal with separation, betrayal, abuse, and a changing world. The sisters deal with the oppressive weight of being black in a time where lynchings were still commonplace as children, where light skin is seen as preferential and passing for white is as taboo as it is desirable.
Staff Picks

Author Spotlight: Lamar Giles

Lamar Giles is an author, speaker and founding member of We Need Diverse Books. He sold his first short story at age 21. He independently published his novels and short stories under the pen name L.R.
Richland Library Main

iRead: Lamar Giles

Lamar Giles is an author, speaker and founding member of We Need Diverse Books. He sold his first short story at age 21. He independently published his novels and short stories under the pen name L.R. Giles before his debut young adult novel, Fake ID, was published by Harper Collins in 2014. Giles has gone on to publish two middle grade and five young adult novels while simultaneously editing and contributing to multiple young adult and middle grade anthologies.
Staff Picks

Literary Fiction

Known for its complex form, language, and style, Literary Fiction often explores the facets of the human condition and aims to provide insight that creates a stronger understanding of the world. Looking for more great titles? Find your new favorite title using our Personalized Reading Recommendations.
Staff Picks

​Nostalgic Teen Vampire Reads

The recent release of Midnight Sun, the fifth book in the Twilight saga, may have you craving more of that supernatural, vampire romance and angst. We've got you covered with all the old teen favorites and maybe some you may have missed. Sink your teeth into these for forbidden love, boarding school drama, dark and mysterious secrets, and more. Want more recommendations? Try out our our Personalized Recommendations form to find your next great read!
Richland Library Main

Finding Your Character's Voice

One of the hardest parts of the writing process is the blank page staring back at you. Writing a monologue is a good way to get your creative juices flowing and find your character's voice.
Staff Picks

Read All About It: Tom Feelings

Tom Feelings made his mark as one of the most important and influential artists and illustrators in all of children’s literature. He was dedicated to drawing black people, and especially children, so they would see themselves as beautiful and proud.
Richland Library Main

iRead: Tom Feelings

Tom Feelings made his mark as one of the most important and influential artists and illustrators in all of children’s literature. He was dedicated to drawing black people, and especially children, so they would see themselves as beautiful and proud.
Staff Picks

The Bomb, 75 Years On

August 6, 2020, marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, an event that hastened the end of World War II but also caused the deaths of an estimated 70,000-126,000 Japanese civilians. It also inaugurated the Cold War and the costly arms race that gripped the world for the next few decades.
Richland Library Main

#OwnVoices: Ghost and Patina

In my opinion Jason Reynolds's work connects to everyone but especially kids in the same type of urban background that he himself is from. His style of writing draws people in regardless of age or race and that is something that I love in an author.
Richland Library Main

Explore a New Hobby

If you're looking to try something new, our staff is sharing some ideas that can potentially turn into hobbies.
Richland Library Main

Most Popular Historic Images in July 2020

With over 7,000 images in the Local History Digital Collections it can be hard to find those hidden gems. Take a look at what your neighbors found interesting in July, 2020.
Richland Library Main

iRead: Nnedi Okorafor

Nnedimma Nkemdili "Nnedi" Okorafor's body of work includes short stories, comics, and books for a variety of ages. She has won multiple awards--everything from a World Fantasy Award (2011) to a Nebula and Hugo Award (2016). Most recently, she was recognized by the Eisner Awards for her comic, LaGuardia (2020). Ms. Okorafor continues to make her mark in the world of young adult and adult literature drawing on her African roots to imagine a truly brave new world.
Staff Picks

New in Science

Most of these new science books are already available as ebooks, with print copies available or on order in some cases. Needless to say, Debora MacKenzie’s COVID-19 and Meera Senthilingam’s Outbreaks and Epidemics have been getting a lot of notice. Other intriguing titles include Paul Sutter’s
Staff Picks

Author Spotlight: Nnedi Okorafor

Nnedimma Nkemdili "Nnedi" Okorafor's body of work includes short stories, comics, and books for a variety of ages. She has won multiple awards--everything from a World Fantasy Award (2011) to a Nebula and Hugo Award (2016). Most recently, she was recognized by the Eisner Awards for her comic, LaGuardia (2020). Ms.
Richland Library Main

Hone Your Musical Genius

Making music is incredibly rewarding. You can tell your story in a million different creative ways, change moods, and create communities.
Richland Library Main

Painting on the Patio

Watch artist Keith Tolen's painting process as he creates a unique portrait. Then head outside and try out some plein air painting for yourself.
Staff Picks

2020 Eisner Award Winners

Check out the winners of the 2020 Eisner Awards, announced at San Diego Comic-Con. You can see a full list of categories, nominees, and winners here, as well as the broadcast of the awards hosted by Phil LaMarr here. Keep in mind that Eisner categories span across various creative roles, formats, and target age ranges.
Staff Picks

New Business Books

Most of these recently published business titles are already available in e-book format, with print copies on order in some cases. Among the notable new books is Susanne Tedrick’s Women of Color in Tech: A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology Innovators, which one reviewer describes as “most valuable in its close focus on the realities of the tech world.” Also getting a lot of buzz is
Staff Picks

The Dog Days of Summer

Too hot to go outside? Then stay in and chill with your favorite canine companion and one of these great reads! Not finding what you are looking for? Call us at 803-799-9084 for more great suggestions.
Richland Library North Main

#OwnVoices: The March Trilogy

On Friday, July 17, 2020, the world felt a little dimmer, as we lost Civil Rights leader and hero Congressman John Lewis. This was an immense loss that seemed to take away a light that shined so brightly, but we will always have this light.
Richland Library Main

Making Your Way: Plein Air au Maison

Find a view that speaks to you, pick up your pencil, grab some paper and get yourself lost on your own magic carpet ride to somewhere beautiful.
Staff Picks

New in Biography and Memoir

You can place a hold on any of these new titles for pickup at one of our four locations with drive-through pickup windows (Ballentine, Northeast, Sandhills, and St.
Richland Library Main

DIY: Pressed Flowers

From saving wedding bouquet flowers to just clipping a few blooms from your yard, pressed flowers make for an easy way to create beautiful art.
Richland Library Ballentine

Visible Mending

Do your favorite jeans have a rip? Do you have a shirt you're bored with? Don't throw them out! Learn how to mend and embellish your clothing - and save money, too.
Richland Library Main

Conversation Starters

Books to help you gain a better understanding of race and inclusion.
Richland Library Main

Most Popular Historic Images in June 2020

With over 7,000 images in the Local History Digital Collections it can be hard to find those hidden gems. Take a look at what your neighbors found interesting in June, 2020.
Staff Picks

Season of Self Care

Although it is important to prioritize your body's health, it is especially important now more than ever. Included below are titles that range from meditation to other alternative ways of healing your mind, body and soul. Take a deep breath and know that you are not in this journey alone. Hope you enjoy!
Richland Library Main

Donating Books During a Pandemic

While our libraries are focused on getting our physical materials in the hands of customers, we've temporarily taken a step back from accepting community donations but that doesn't mean there aren't some really great community organizations out there that would love to safely process your book donations.
Richland Library Ballentine

Create Your Own Jump Rope

Jumping rope is an iconic summer activity. It is great exercise and has a long and award-winning history in South Carolina. Follow along with this tutorial to learn how to make your own jump rope out of plastic bags and help save the environment at the same time!
Richland Library Main

Who's Ready for Some Sports?

If you're looking for a little dose of sports, our staff has some great titles that may be up your alley.
Staff Picks

Books You Can Read in a Day

Not ready to tackle another 500 page novel? Looking for a quick read that still packs a big punch? We've got you covered. Each of these great titles is 100 pages or less, but will keep you engaged from the first page to the last. The perfect size for a lazy afternoon on the couch.

World Refugee Day: Create Your Own Atypical Doll

Celebrate the strength and courage of refugees worldwide with artist Diana Farfan. In her doll making workshop, she will lead you through the creation of symbolic textile and mixed media characters, exploring the concepts of identity and belonging.
Richland Library Main

Welcoming Refugees

Celebrated annually on June 20, World Refugee Day commemorates the anniversary of the 1951 Refugee Convention, which established specific criteria for what a refugee is and is not, as well as the rights and responsibilities of those seeking asylum, and of the nations providing that asylum.
Richland Library Main

iRead: Coming-of-Age Stories for Tweens, Teens & Adults

iRead features the best ebooks and eaudiobooks for children and teens curated by the Children's Room and Teen Center staff. Delve into these stories of growing up and self-discovery set in a world filled with judgment and possibility.
Richland Library Main

5 Films For Free: Nature and Nurture

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card.
Richland Library Main

5 Films For Free: Bollywood Calling

This weekly blog series, published each Friday evening, features five films from streaming services which you can access for free using your library card. The five selections this week are from Bollywood.