Richland Library Cooper

In Defense of Short Stories

Short stories sometimes get a bad rap - but these collections just might change your mind about the writing form.
Staff Picks

Her Story: Women Heroes of WWII

Women have always served their countries in many ways during wartime, but the sheer scope of World War II demanded more of them than ever — and they answered the call. Around the world, women served as military nurses, pilots, resistance fighters, codebreakers, spies, and served in other roles. For decades, their stories went untold. For Women's History Month, we're celebrating these courageous women and the important role they played during this time. Thrilling and inspiring, these books will shed new light on the women who answered the call to serve their country.
Staff Picks

Rory Gilmore's Reading Challenge (List #7 - Starting with 'Deenie')

☕ Take a deep dive into all the books seen and referenced on the Gilmore Girls from Season 1 to A Year in the Life. 📚 Just in time for our winter weather. So, grab your books, a cup of coffee (or hot cocoa), and bundle up by the fire. ❄️Smells Like Snow❄️ (except for SC) Since there are 408 titles, there will be multiple lists sent out over the next few months. Enjoy!
Richland Library Main

#OWNVoices: Blackout Book Review

Are you looking for #Blackgirlmagic for Black History Month? If so, Blackout is the book for you! Take a look at my review of the novel and see if entices you to read it.
Staff Picks

LGBTQ eAudiobooks We Loved

Hoopla and Overdrive have lots of LGBTQ titles to listen to as Audiobooks but here is a short and fun list of Staff Picks that Richland Library workers loved listening to this past year.
Staff Picks

Rory Gilmore's Reading Challenge (List #6 - Starting with 'The Crimson Petal & The White')

☕ Take a deep dive into all the books seen and referenced on the Gilmore Girls from Season 1 to A Year in the Life. 📚 Just in time for our winter weather. So, grab your books, a cup of coffee (or hot cocoa), and bundle up by the fire. ❄️Smells Like Snow❄️ (except for SC) Since there are 408 titles, there will be multiple lists sent out over the next few months. Enjoy!
Staff Picks

Mental Health Month

If you are feeling depressed, lonely, or are just having a bad day, try one of these titles and let reading briefly take you out of reality. Whether you are looking for something to make you laugh, an out-of-this-world sci-fi, or need a little self-help action, we've got you covered. For personalized recommendations, click here. You are not alone. These resources may help you:
Staff Picks

What to Read If You Like: 'DUNE'

So, you've finally seen the movie and/or read the book. Great! Check out the rest of the Dune series or other series of similar themes! Be careful with how much spice you consume...
Staff Picks

Black Superheroes (2022 Update)

Following 2019's list of Comics With Black Protagonists, here are some recent releases featuring black superheroes. Some are from big, established universes, while others star in their own fantasy series.
Richland Library Southeast

Switching to LECA: Another Way to Grow Houseplants

In the fall of 2021, I decided to change my houseplants' growing medium from soil to LECA (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate). At that time, I had over 30 houseplants and found it challenging to keep up with their watering schedules and pest control. Then, one day, I came across a video on YouTube about LECA.
Richland Library Main

Love & Money

There are no perfect solutions in love or money, but there are some simple ways to increase your chances of success.
Richland Library Main

Signs of Segregation from Columbia's Past

Discover places in downtown Columbia that once held signs of segregation through these "then and now" images constructed from historic photographs in our archives.
Staff Picks

Rory Gilmore's Reading Challenge (List #5 - Starting with 'The Code of the Woosters')

☕ Take a deep dive into all the books seen and referenced on the Gilmore Girls from Season 1 to A Year in the Life. 📚 Just in time for our winter weather. So, grab your books, a cup of coffee (or hot cocoa), and bundle up by the fire. ❄️Smells Like Snow❄️ (except for SC) Since there are 408 titles, there will be multiple lists sent out over the next few months. Enjoy!
Staff Picks

A Year of Black History

A Year of Black History Continues Folktales, comics and history ... here we are! Also, Hoopla is allowing 15 checkouts for the month of February, as well as bonus borrows. Hoopla offers many comic book/graphic novels to choose from! Please, enter your email address and password associated with Hoopla.
Richland Library Main

Narrative Nonfiction: The Truth Can be Stranger Than Fiction

If you’re a fan of novels, narrative nonfiction is a great way to introduce yourself to nonfiction reading or broaden your reading repertoire. Narrative nonfiction is a true story (hence the nonfiction part) written in the style of a novel (hence the narrative part).
Staff Picks

2021 National Book Critics Circle Award Finalists

The finalists for the 2021 National Book Critics Circle Awards were recently announced. Given annually since 1976, they are the only major book awards selected by critics. The winners will be announced in March. Check out the following finalists from our collection, in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, biography, autobiography, poetry, and criticism. (The list also includes the finalists for the NBCC's John Leonard Prize for Best First Book.)
Richland Library Main

Hybrid Work: It’s Here to Stay

The consensus in the business/HR community is that hybrid work arrangements, involving working both in the office and remotely, will remain in place even after the coronavirus pandemic is finally in the rear-view mirror.
Staff Picks

Teen Dark Academia

Dark academia is on the rise. Not sure what it is? Think tweed blazer and plaid skirt uniforms, sprawling gothic architecture campuses and boarding schools, and mysteries with dark and morbid origins. Whether it's joining a secret society, witnessing a murder, or caving under the immense pressure of classes, these students might have to risk it all to accomplish their goals.
Richland Library Main

Black-Owned Newspapers in Columbia

Over the years, there have been several newspapers published in Columbia covering news and events for Black readers. Let’s take a look at some of these titles and find out where you can access them.
Staff Picks

LibraryReads for February 2022

Each month, LibraryReads lists the top upcoming titles recommended by librarians across the country. All these books will be published in February 2022, so stay ahead of the curve and get on the holds list now!
Staff Picks

Romance Novels by Authors of Color

Whether you are looking for something to read while getting cozy by the fire, or catching some rays at the beach, these books are sure to heat things up.
Richland Library Main

Let’s Talk Race and Justice Playlist

As Racial Justice Week comes to a close, check out these engaging discussions with past guests, thought leaders and community members that encourage honest dialogue on injustices, anti-racism and diversity.
Richland Library Main

The Intersection of Race & LGBTQI2SA+ Liberation | Celebrating Racial Justice Week

Quite often it is assumed that the LGBTQI2SA+ community is exempt from the discussion of systemic racism. Unfortunately, these assumptions could not be further from the truth. Racism and discrimination as it applies to LGBTQI2SA+ community is evident in access to health care, housing, and even social media platforms like dating websites.
Richland Library Eastover

Flower Pot “Whatever You Want” Dish

This project is easy, fun, and enjoyable to make. I made sure to use the phrase, “Whatever you want” because the possibilities of what you can create with this project are endless…believe me.
Richland Library Main

Publishers In South Carolina

Over 20 publishing and self-publishing contacts representing many genres and formats from across The Palmetto State!
Staff Picks

RM's Reading List

Kim Namjoon, also known by his stage name RM, is the leader of the worldwide famous K-pop group BTS. Beyond being a talented rapper, creative songwriter/producer, team mentor, and impressive dancer, he is also an avid reader. Below is a list of reading recommendations he has shared spanning across genres and countries of origin.
Richland Library Main

5 Films for Free: The Music Doc

This list is only scratching the surface - if you find that these pique your curiosity, take a moment to look around our catalog and see what else you might find!
Richland Library Main

Know Before You Share

These days we have access to more information than we've ever had before - which means we have access to more wrong information than we've ever had before.
Staff Picks

Picks from Levar Burton's Book Club

Check out this list of picks from Levar Burton's Book Club.The latest pick is Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Staff Picks

#BroaderBookshelf 2022: African Authors

Fulfill the prompt, "Read a book by an author from an African nation" with one of these engaging books. Find out more information about the #BroaderBookshelf challenge here. Need more suggestions? Fill out a Personalized Reading Recommendation form. It's a quick and easy way to find your next favorite read.
Staff Picks

Stone Cold Thrillers

Winter is the perfect time to cozy up with a crime book. Whether you’re in the mood for chilling psychological suspense, Nordic Noir, or a good old fashioned detective story, there’s a little something for everyone in this reading list. Check out some of the best snowy page-turners below.
Staff Picks

LibraryReads for January 2022

Each month, LibraryReads lists the top upcoming titles recommended by librarians across the country. All these books will be published in January 2022, so stay ahead of the curve and get on the holds list now!
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Films 🎬

Curious as to what your friends and neighbors were watching in 2021? Us too! From animated films to superhero favorites, books-to-movies and beyond, library customers got their fill of films this year.
Richland Library North Main


Staff Picks

New in Biography and Memoir

Notable new releases include Chinese artist/activist Ai Weiwei’s 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows and Indian economist (and prolific author) Amartya Sen’s Home in the World. Carole Angier’s
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Teen Audiobooks 🎧

Curious as to what your friends and classmates were listening to in 2021? Us too! Series seem to take top marks across teen formats this year--with lots of checkouts of The Grisha Trilogy and A Court of Thorns and Roses Series as well as older favorites like the Twilight series and The Hunger Games.
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Adult Audiobooks 🎧

Curious as to what your friends and neighbors were listening to in 2021? Us too! No surprises here. The Four Winds, The Vanishing Half, and The Midnight Library took top honors across all adult fiction formats this year but there are lots of other titles to check out too.
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Teen Fiction 📚

Curious as to what your friends and classmates were reading in 2021? Us too! Series seem to take top marks across teen formats this year--with lots of checkouts of The Grisha Trilogy and A Court of Thorns and Roses Series as well as older favorites like the Twilight series and The Hunger Games.
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Adult eBooks 📱

Curious as to what your friends and neighbors were reading in 2021? Us too! No surprises here. The Four Winds, The Vanishing Half, and The Midnight Library took top honors across all adult fiction formats this year but there are lots of other titles to check out too.
Staff Picks

Top Checkouts 2021: Adult Fiction 📚

Curious as to what your friends and neighbors were reading, watching, and listening to in 2021? Us too! No surprises here. The Four Winds, The Vanishing Half, and The Midnight Library took top honors across all adult fiction formats this year but there are lots of other titles to check out too.
Staff Picks

Naturalist: E. O. Wilson, 1929-2021

In his long and distinguished career, scientist and author Edward O. Wilson, who died on 26 December, wrote as much for a popular audience as he did for his academic peers. In addition to several books on ants (on which he was a world authority), he published widely on evolutionary biology and conservation. One of his collaborations with fellow ant expert Bert Hölldobler, The Ants, won the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction.
Richland Library Main

Top Checkouts of 2021

2021 ushered in a year of stellar new releases from old favorites, a barrage of debut authors, and lots of titles that broadened our bookshelves (and minds) and filled up our streaming queues. Here's a look at the top 10 books, movies, and songs by age group and format.
Staff Picks

Remembering Joan Didion

Joan Didion, who died at age 87 on 23 December, astutely sized up American culture from the 1960s onward in a series of nonfiction and fiction works that met with both critical and popular acclaim. The prolific Didion is perhaps still best known for her first two essay collections, Slouching Towards Bethlehem and
Staff Picks

35 Best Romance Books of 2021

2021 was a great year for Romances. As a romantic at heart, I was happy to see many diverse authors writing books with diverse characters falling in love. Do browse this list which includes holidays romances, hate turning to love stories, friends turning into lovers, finding love in unexpected places and much more!
Staff Picks

New Business Books

This batch of new business books features some sharp corporate take-downs, including Peter Robison’s Flying Blind: The 737 MAX Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing and Bartow J.
Staff Picks

New in Science

Check out the latest in science writing from our collection. Notable titles include Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law, by best-selling author Mary Roach (dubbed "America's funniest science writer" by the WaPo) and Scientist: E. O.
Staff Picks

Graphic Novel Adaptations

How does an artist take the descriptions and inner lives of prose characters and translate them into pictures and poses against backgrounds? This list represents a wide range of stylistic adaptations of prose stories and poems, including manga versions of several classics. Visual elements and speech bubbles can also help developing readers comfortably navigate the text. These graphic novels are great for fresh takes on old favorites as well as gateways for new readers to get hooked.